Thursday, November 13, 2008

They should know how to take a test by now, right?

These are some of the more remarkable results from a Diego Rivera test I gave last Monday. Out of 80 tests given, about 10% got No. 9 wrong. How is this possible? Did I not give them enough of a clue? Seven years of teaching kids test-taking skills, and still they haven't figured out the game.

Oh yeah, and I was wrong about the election! Now we wait. Coach Shrewsbury, after much wailing and gnashing of teeth, is finally getting use to having a democrat in the white house. This should be fun.


Sanders BUT not the COLONEL said...

Current song playing over the camp loudspeakers:
Sex so good, I can freak you in my sleep,
Ice on my sleeve, I can make a room freeze,
Pockets more bigger than a stripper booty cheeks,
Dudes don't speak when they look at my physique,
French on my feet, cost about fifty,

Anonymous said...

No new blogs?
Are you too busy getting ready for Christmas dance????