Thursday, February 5, 2009

Apparently, Our Children Is Learning!

Went into Cedarville last night to see if anything was left at the Circuit City store there (not much), buy a new pair of shoes and pick up some fast food for dinner. Much to my surprise, the typo on the reader sign outside the ‘restaurant’ had been corrected! Thandra Lou Breckenridge (Camp Nickleby Class of 2008), who is in charge of the sign’s messages, corrected her mistake. I’m not sure whether this came about because a customer pointed out the misspelled word to the manager (highly unlikely), Thandra Lou was perusing through her new Merriam-Webster's Dictionary and Thesaurus (again, improbable), or she is a loyal Camp Nickleby reader (the obvious answer) and was thus alerted to her poor spelling skills. The power of the press lives on!

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