Thursday, April 8, 2010


Honest to God, I think I’m done. I think I’ve had enough! I’m tired of teaching in STOOPIDISTAN!

I don’t mind the stupid kids who know they’re stupid and are willing to improve. Some even ask for help from time-to-time. It’s the stupid ones who are ACTUALLY PROUD THAT THEY ARE STUPID! They spend their time comparing their stupidity with each other.

“What percentage do you have in algebra?” asks one moron to another.

“Dude, I have a 33%!” replies the other moron.

“That’s nothing, bro (they always call each other ‘bro’ or ‘dude’), I currently have a 27%!”

“Dude, that’s awesome. You win!”

And then there’s the pure, destructive power of a class full of high schoolers! If Obama wants to win in Afghanistan, forget the drones killing innocent children. Just parachute about 400 freshmen in. The Taliban will be heading for the hills in a matter of minutes!

I’ve gotta find another job. And quickly! Maybe Wal-Mart? Yeah, Wal-Mart! Doing something I could actually be proud of doing. I just hope some basketball player in Washington doesn’t tell me how to do my job there.

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