Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Ding, ding, ding . . . we have a winner!
John Harmer, Tea Party Darling for California’s 11th Congressional District in the upcoming election, doesn’t just want to ‘reform’ public education; he wants to do away with it entirely! He wants to return education to "the way things worked through the first century of American nationhood." You know, when kids had to write on planks of wood with charcoal? Neat!
In 2000, Harmer published a lengthy op-ed in the San Francisco Chronicle titled, "Abolish the Public Schools." In that piece, Harmer argues that "government should exit the business of running and funding schools." He contends that would allow for "quantum leaps in educational quality and opportunity" and notes that he's simply pushing for a return to "the way things worked. In Harmer’s mind, this is how it was, back in the day:
Literacy levels among all classes, at least outside the South, matched or exceeded those prevailing now, and . . . public discourse and even tabloid content was pitched at what today would be considered a college-level audience. Schooling then was typically funded by parents or other family members responsible for the student, who paid modest tuition. If they couldn't afford it, trade guilds, benevolent associations, fraternal organizations, churches and charities helped. In this quintessentially American approach, free people acting in a free market found a variety of ways to pay for a variety of schools serving a variety of students, all without central command or control.
Wow! I really hope this lunatic wins!
And I just love the family. Right out of central casting, no?
Discovering this conundrum, I suggested that they bring towels from home, or dry their hands on each other's clothing. The boys seemed to like this solution, but the girls? Mmmmmm, not so much. It is my understanding that charter schools have an unlimited supply of paper towels. That's why they are better.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
After filling up my little blue basket with No. 2 pencils (which the idiots will chew down to stubs in a matter of minutes), erasers (which they don’t know how to use) and some pencil sharpeners (which they will destroy before the day is through) I went to the check out. An older villager lady was working at the register. She asked me what all of my purchases were for. I told her I was a public school teacher at Camp Nickleby. She asked if I liked my work and a said, “No, I hate it!” She then asked, as if reading off of cue cards supplied by Arne Duncan, “It’s because of those teachers’ unions, isn’t it? The school can’t get rid of all of those BAD TEACHERS because of tenure!”
I was going to ask her, “How many bad teachers do you think are actually in our schools?” But I figured, why bother? She’s probably Waiting for Superman too!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
I went in to Camp today, on a SUNDAY, on my BIRTHDAY, on my ON TIME, to grade some work and get the room ready for the new week. Yes, a unionized, librul, quasi-socialist, evil public school teacher working OFF THE CLOCK! In the words of John Lennon, 'IMAGINE'.
Much to my surprise, I came upon this little gem. Seems REALLY SMART CHILD #1 couldn't get the glue out of the bottle Friday while working on his or her project because REALLY SMART CHILD #2 failed to clear the cap on the glue bottle before putting it back in the cabinet. REALLY SMART CHILD #1 really, really needed some glue so . . . he or she did what every thinking REALLY SMART CHILD would do, cut open the bottle of glue with an Xacto knife, thus making the bottle useless! THANK YOU, REALLY SMART CHILD.
60 on 10-10-10!
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Monday, October 4, 2010
Idiot Boy #1 and Idiot Boy #2 became engaged in a pissing contest on Thursday. Anybody's guess as to what it was about. I received a call from one of our counselors warning me that something might happen. The plan was, Idiot Girl #1 was going to try to get me out of the classroom, under false pretenses. When I was out of the room, the Idiot Boys were going to clobber each other.
Well, apparently the Idiot Boys decided to put their pugilistic plans on hold for the day. Unfortunately, they failed to notify Idiot Girl #1 that they were not going to clobber each other that day. She tried to get me out of the class room anyway, saying another student needed my help outside in the art patio. Idiot Girl #1 failed to realize that said student was still in the class room!
I just know these kids are going to end up in a future edition of THE DARWIN AWARDS!