Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Our new science teacher, Munthelda Münchausen, looked a bit distraught in the faculty lounge at lunch today. In fact, she was displaying an obvious facial tic that I hadn’t noticed before. I asked her if everything was OK. She told me that Billy Ray Throdd, a 9th grader in her earth science class, asked her how to tell if a rock is a male or a female!* Taken aback by the young lad’s question, she asked him how he ever got the idea that rocks have gender. Billy Ray replied, innocently enough, “Well Ms. Münchausen, then where do pebbles come from?”

Feeling the blood actually draining from her skull and unable to offer young Billy Ray a reasonable answer that even he could understand, she unfortunately
heard the words ‘you friggin’ hillbilly moron’ spew from her mouth.

Her appointment with Human Resources is scheduled for next Tuesday.

*Based on a true story. The names were changed to protect the innocent. Or, like, whatever.

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