Tuesday, February 7, 2012


For some reason, many of my young scholars choose to use my art classes as ‘study’ halls, where they can work on assignments from other, ‘real’ classes, text their friends from the secretive confines of their backpacks strategically placed in front of them on the table, or just sit there and drool into their left shoe for fifty minutes each day.

Yesterday, I overheard two math geniuses discussing their
homework. One of the Einsteins asked another, “What is eight times nine?” His multiplication-challenged friend answered, perfectly sincere, “Forty-five!” I wasn’t really sure if that is what I heard, so I asked them to repeat themselves. Yep, they were both happy with the answer, and Einstein number one dutifully placed the answer into his worksheet.

Both of these mathematicians have passed the High School Exit Exam and are ready to be unleashed on an unsuspecting American public in June.

Wow, just . . . wow!

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