Thursday, April 24, 2008

On a little vacation!

Taking a few days off. Going up to a ceramic sculpture conference in Davis! I hope the little campers will be OK without me.


Sanders BUT not the COLONEL said...

Is that legal?
Who is watching the farm?
YOU personally are liable for any and all mishaps that happen while you are away... any drop in test performance is dirrectly linked to your absecence!

no fun = improved test scores

fun = drop in test scores = lack of need for Camp counselors = no juicy paycheck = faculty foreclosures = no economic stimulus = three thousand STARBUCKs close = one of the signs of the end of DAYS = apocalypse

Enjoy yourself.... no need to worry..... just because you started the count down to THE END OF DAYS...
(Can you hear the JAWS sound track in the background of your thoughts? Da da..da da..dadadadadaadaa! )

Sanders BUT not the COLONEL said...

since you have left us unattended..I was forced to update